Analyzing the Influence of Endorsers on Brand Image Formation in Social Media: A Comparative Study of Celebrities, Influencers, and Emerging Trends


  • Listiawati Listiawati Politeknik Pelayaran (Poltekpel) Malahayati Aceh
  • Yuliana Zahri Ahmad Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Muara Bungo, Indonesia
  • Kiki Amelia Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Maluku
  • Ahmad Bayu Zaelani Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Muara Bungo, Indonesia


Social Media Endorsements, Authenticity, Micro-Influencers, Virtual Influencers, Brand Image


This research investigates the influence of endorsers on brand image formation within the realm of social media, focusing on the roles played by celebrities, influencers, experts, and everyday consumers. With the increasing integration of social media into marketing strategies, understanding how different types of endorsers impact brand perception has become crucial. This study explores the effectiveness of various endorsers, evaluates their authenticity, and examines the implications of emerging trends such as the rise of virtual influencers and the use of data analytics. Key findings reveal that authenticity and relatability are paramount in modern endorsement strategies, with micro-influencers and everyday consumers providing significant value through their genuine connections with audiences. Celebrity endorsements continue to enhance brand visibility but require careful management due to potential risks. Expert endorsements remain influential in credibility-sensitive sectors, reinforcing the importance of authoritative voices. The research also highlights the growing significance of virtual influencers and the integration of AI and data analytics in optimizing endorsement strategies. Additionally, the study underscores the rising importance of social responsibility in endorsement practices, reflecting consumers' increasing preference for brands that align with ethical values and societal causes.


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How to Cite

Listiawati, L., Ahmad, Y. Z., Amelia, K., & Zaelani, A. B. (2024). Analyzing the Influence of Endorsers on Brand Image Formation in Social Media: A Comparative Study of Celebrities, Influencers, and Emerging Trends. Kampret Journal, 4(1), 34–44. Retrieved from