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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


  1. Articles accepted are articles that have never been published in any journal in any form or have not been accepted for publication.
  2. Articles in the form of community service that have relevance to the fields of education, human resource development, health, law, human development and national competitiveness, small and medium enterprises and the development of environmentally sound technology and appropriate technology. The article is accompanied by a statement of authenticity from the author which states that the article written is truly his own work and does not contain plagiarism, as evidenced by the Plagiarism Check Results with Turnitin Software or the like.

Writing system

  1. Articles consist of 3000-5000 words, typed with 1 space on A4 size paper with Constantia font size 10. The writings to be published are in Indonesian and/or English
  2. The composition of the article consists of: Title, Author, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and References.

Article Writing Terms:

Title: Maximum 15 words. The title is typed in Constantia, 14 letters are printed in the usual centered.

Writer's name: or the author is typed under the title with the font Constantia 10 in bold, untitled and may not be abbreviated. Under the name is written the name of the Faculty or Department, the name of the institution, the State.

Abstract: no more than 250 words, written in English and Indonesian, in one paragraph containing: the purpose of the service, the method of the activity, and the result of the activity. Typed in Constantia, single spaced, and italicized. Next to the abstract, there are keywords with a maximum of 5 words, separated by enter down and alphabetical order.

Introduction[font Constantia 12, capital ]: Introduction contains background to solve a problem, urgency, and rationalization of activity, literature review, problem solving plan, and activity objectives [font Constantia, 10, normal]

Method[font Constantia 12, capital]: Method of Service/Research explains: the implementation method used in service activities. The method is explained clearly and in detail [font Constantia, 10, Normal]

Results and Discussion[font Constantia 12, capital]: Describing the results or outcomes of services can be in the form of increasing knowledge, skills or in the form of products. The results also reveal the level of achievement of the activity targets. If in the form of objects there needs to be an explanation of product specifications, advantages and disadvantages. Output writing needs to be supplemented with photos, tables, graphs, charts, pictures, etc. The discussion is carried out sequentially according to the objectives and has been described previously. The discussion is accompanied by logical arguments by linking PkM results with theories, other PkM results and or research results.

Conclusion[font Constantia 12, capital]: written briefly but describes the substance of the service results and recommendations for further service activities.

Reference[font Constantia 9, capital]: Bibliography is written according to the APA Style (American Psychological Association) model. It's heavily nested using Reference Managers (endnotes, Mendeley, Zotero, etc.) to facilitate editing and review. Referenced sources and at least 80% of literature published in the last 5 years. [Constantia, 9, regular].



  1. Artikel yang diterima adalah artikel yang belum pernah dipublikasikan di jurnal manapun dalam bentuk atau belum diterima (accepted) untuk dipublikasikan.

  2. Artikel berupa pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang memiliki relevansi dengan bidang pendidikan, pengembangan sumber daya manusia, kesehatan, Hukum, pembangunan manusia dan daya saing bangsa, usaha kecil dan menengah serta pengembangan teknologi berwawasan lingkungan dan teknologi tepat guna.
    Artikel tersebut disertai dengan pernyataan keaslian dari penulis yang menyatakan bahwa artikel yang ditulis adalah benar-benar hasil karyanya sendiri dan tidak mengandung plagiarisme, dibuktikan dengan Hasil Cek Plagiat dengan Software Turnitin atau sejenis.

Sistematika penulisan

  1. Artikel terdiri dari 3000-5000 kata, diketik dengan spasi 1 pada kertas ukuran A4 dengan font Constantia ukuran 10. Tulisan yang akan dimuat menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dan/atau Bahasa Inggris
  2. Susunan artikel terdiri dari: Judul, Penulis, Abstrak, Kata Kunci, Pendahuluan, Metode, Hasil dan Pembahasan, Kesimpulan dan saran dan Referensi.

Ketentuan Penulisan Artikel:

Judul : Maksimal 15 kata. Judul diketik dengan huruf Constantia, 14 huruf dicetak rata tengah biasa.

nama penulis : atau penulis diketik di bawah judul dengan font Constantia 10 dicetak tebal, tanpa judul dan tidak boleh disingkat. Di bawah nama tertulis nama Fakultas atau Departemen, nama institusi, Negara.

Abstrak : tidak lebih dari 250 kata, ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia, dalam satu paragraf yang memuat: tujuan pelayanan, cara kegiatan, dan hasil kegiatan. Diketik dengan font Constantia, spasi tunggal, dan dicetak miring. Di samping abstrak terdapat kata kunci dengan maksimal 5 kata, dipisahkan dengan enter kebawah dan urutan alfabet.

Pendahuluan [font Constantia 12, kapital ]: Pendahuluan berisi latar belakang untuk mengatasi suatu masalah, urgensi, dan rasionalisasi kegiatan, tinjauan pustaka, rencana pemecahan masalah, dan tujuan kegiatan [font Constantia, 10, normal]

Metode [font Constantia 12, kapital]: Metode Pengabdian/ Penelitian menjelaskan: metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian. Caranya dijelaskan dengan jelas dan detail [font Constantia, 10, Normal]

Hasil dan Pembahasan [font Constantia 12, kapital]: Menggambarkan hasil atau outcome pelayanan dapat berupa peningkatan pengetahuan, keterampilan atau dalam bentuk produk. Hasil tersebut juga mengungkapkan tingkat pencapaian target kegiatan. Jika dalam bentuk benda perlu ada penjelasan tentang spesifikasi produk, kelebihan dan kekurangannya. Penulisan keluaran perlu dilengkapi dengan foto, tabel, grafik, bagan, gambar, dll. Pembahasan dilakukan secara berurutan sesuai dengan tujuan dan telah dijelaskan sebelumnya. Pembahasan disertai argumentasi yang logis dengan mengaitkan hasil PkM dengan teori, hasil PkM lain dan atau hasil penelitian.

Kesimpulan [font Constantia 12, kapital]: ditulis secara singkat namun menggambarkan substansi hasil pengabdian dan rekomendasi untuk kegiatan pengabdian selanjutnya.

Referensi [font Constantia 9, kapital]: Daftar Pustaka ditulis berdasarkan model APA Style (American Psychological Association). Ini sangat bersarang menggunakan Manajer Referensi (catatan akhir, Mendeley, Zotero, dll.) untuk memfasilitasi pengeditan dan peninjauan. Sumber yang dirujuk dan minimal 80% berupa literatur yang diterbitkan dalam 5 tahun terakhir. [Constantia , 9, biasa].


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